Frequently Asked Questions
How far in advance should we book?
A simple answer, as soon as possible! I only conduct one wedding a day and some months can get very busy, so please get in touch as early as you can.

Where can we get married?
This is the fun part! As long as you have the owner's permission, you can have your ceremony anywhere! Your favourite garden, your home, the woods, the beach....
Come and have a chat with me about your thoughts - I can help with venue suggestions as well as ways to make your ceremony unique, involving family, friends, pets and ideas for readings and music.

Are Humanist Weddings legal in the UK?
You can have a Humanist ceremony anywhere in the UK. Currently, Humanist marriages are only legal in Scotland and NI, although Humanists UK are working very hard to change the law in England and Wales. In those two countries, if you want your marriage to be legally recognised, you just visit your local register office and complete a simple process.

How much do you charge?
I charge £575 for the process of drafting, writing, rehearsing and conducting your ceremony. I will also provide you with a presentation script afterwards for you to keep as a memento of the day. Additional expenses such as travel will be charged at cost. A non-refundable deposit of £250 will be taken at the time of booking to secure your date with me.

I still have a question!
That's no problem at all, please just get in touch.